Friday, July 17, 2009

Phone thing I do

O.k. so i understand how it's important to be a part of causes and stuff and to donate money to charities and blah blah blah.

here's the thing, i don't have any money!

not only that, but outside of the coffee shop, at which i still work, there is ALWAYS at least one person with a clipboard and a t shirt, that tries stopping me and getting my information and money.

the most annoying of these is greenpeace because they really try guilting you-

"oh, so i guess you don't care about the planet, huh?"

as someone who does care about the planet, i take offense to this. but that's not the point.
a while ago, i started pulling out my cell phone and pretending to talk to someone so they'll leave me alone. pretty smart huh? well...

one time a greenpeace guy's like, "oh, so i guess your phone call's more important than the planet, huh?"

Man! the guy got through the only defense i have!

so here's the plan. next time they try that here's how it goes down:

greenpeace guy: "oh, so i guess your phone call's more important than the planet, huh?"
me: "hmm? oh i'm sorry. i just found out my mother died."

i think this will work. if not, i'm just throwing the phone at him and leaving...

P.S. don't think that i haven't thought of something else cool. i can also pretend to be on the phone whenever i want to talk to myself in public or make fun of people out loud.

1 comment:

  1. Can't they think of a better word than 'planet'? I mean, that sounds really 90s and queer. Who cares about the planet?

    How about: "So, I guess you don't care about the planet, huh?"

    You: "The who? Plaaan...OH. You mean the GLOBE. No, fuck it."
